CSICC board members are dedicated and talented members who represent our diversed community and come from diverse industries and companies of varying size and meet on a regular basis to assess the concerns of our business community and the board. As a result, the board acts as the primary body that advances support or concern to various levels of government and other public and private sector organizations and numerous volunteer committees.
The Chair presides over a volunteer Board consisting of himself, three Vice Chairs, President, Vice-President, Seceratry, Treasurer, and six Directors. The Treasurer oversees the finances of the Chamber with an Annual Budget and Statement of Accounts presented at the Board Meetings. The daily administration of the Chamber and other activities are handled by respective board members designated based on their expertise.
Our current board of directors who oversee the operations of the chamber.
Kanmani Dhanasekhar
Santosh Mathew
Vice Presidentsanthosh@santhoshmathew.com
Surya Bezawada
Kala Narayanan
Joint Secretarycontact@ourcsicc.com
Ram Saravanan
Tom Oomen
Joint Treasurertomv.oommen@gmail.com
Ramesh Bangalore
Director of IT & Communicationsramrao69@hotmail.com
Lata Menon
Director of Government Relationsinfo@menonlawoffice.com
Jayamohan Menon
Director of Public Relationsmenonjay5@gmail.com
Sajeeb Koya